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Todays Islamic Date in
Hijri Date
17th Shaaban, 1446
Today's Date
February 16, 2025
History Image
Few Words About JAMS

History of JMAS

The Association is a registered society under the Singapore law. It was formed in 1998 to serve the growing Shia Ithna Asheri muslim community in Singapore. It aims to promote the understanding of true Islam as taught by Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w).  

  • Every year millions attend islamic lectures during the months of Muharram and Safar.
What is this life all about? Imam Husain (as) explains during Hajj at Arafat
Imam Hussain (as) has taught us in the most emphatic manner what this life is all about. He spoke some remarkable words during Haj at Arafat in his famous Dua Arafah. He not only spoke, he also walked the talk. He translated those words of Arafah into action on the day of Ashura on the burning sands of Karbala.
The World-wide University of Imam Hussain (as)
Every year millions attend islamic lectures during the months of Muharram and Safar. Young and old, poor and rich, regardless of colour, race or gender…
A Timeless Event and a Teacher Par Excellence
After 1400 years, the mourning continues unabated: As soon as the moon of the month of Muharram is sighted, a deep transformation comes about in shias.
Prophet’s sayings about Imam Ali (a):
“Ali (a) is with the Qur’an, and the Qur’an is with Ali.” Al-Bukhari, 5/19; Muslim, 2/360; Al-Tirmidhi, 5/304; Mustadrak Al-Sahihain of Al-Hakim Al-Nisabori, 3/109;


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  • Shahadah
  • Salah
  • Sawm
  • Zakat
  • Hajj
Serving Humanity

Our Services

Quran Learning

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Funeral Service

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Mosque Renovation

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Help Poor

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Towards a

Meaningful Lives

What We Offer

Our Services

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Annual Schedule

Upcoming Events

Prayer Time

Namaz Timings

  • Fajr
    Start:6:14 AM Iqamah:6:29 am
  • Zuhr
    Start:1:19 PM Iqamah:1:34 pm
  • Asr
    Start:4:37 PM Iqamah:4:52 pm
  • Magrib
    Start:7:21 PM Iqamah:7:36 pm
  • Isha
    Start:8:15 PM Iqamah:8:30 pm
  • Jumah
    Start:1:19 PM Iqamah:1:34 pm


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