February 16, 2025
17th Shaaban, 1446
Jaafari Muslim Association Singapore
Towards a Meaningful Life
Join us on an exciting journey as we explore the beauty of true Islam.
Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w) urged his followers to hold firmly to two precious things to avoid being misguided – the Holy Quran and his Pure Household (as). 
Let’s partake of their rich treasures of wisdom as we travel towards:
  • True faith and good deeds
  • Enrichment of the soul
  • Inner Peace and Tranquility
  • A balanced life of love & peace
  • Our Ultimate Goal – Allah swt 

Mubarak on Wiladah of Imam Al-Mahdi (atfs)

Thu, 13 Feb
Celebration of Wiladah of  Imam Al-Mahdi (ajts) & Nisfu Sha’ban
8.00pm @AECC
after Maghrib & Isha Congregational Prayers  at 7.34pm 

Celebrations specially for Children
Milad Imam Mahdi (ajfs)

✨Calling our talented children (9yo and below) to join our Nasyid Group – Seize this brilliant opportunity to perform and express your love for our Imam (ajfs)!

Register below:

✨️ Stage fright? Fret not! Children (9yo and below) can still head to the Small Hall and collect a special Activity Pack (8.30-9pm) which is packed with lots of fun activities in remembering and getting closer to the Imam (ajfs)!

Date: 13th February 2025
Venue: AECC

💚 اَللّهُمَّ عَجِّل لِوَلیِّکَ الفَرَج 💚

Spiritual Spring
Blessed month of Shaaban

Duas & Ziarat

for a great start to the day

For all duas and ziarat please click here

For all duas and ziarat please click here

For all duas and ziarat please click here

For all duas and ziarat please click here

For all duas and ziarat please click here

For all duas and ziarat please click here

For all duas and ziarat please click here

Aamaals for the Month

& Duas from Sahifah e Sajjadiyah

54 sublime supplications   from Imam Jaafar Sadiq (as)

15 Munajaat (whispered prayers) from Imam Jaafar Sadiq (as)

To whet appetites, here are  just 5 appetisers from one of the hundreds of mouth watering, soul nourishing, dishes gifted by the one whom friends and foes refer to as the Ornament of the Worshippers. Savour, act upon and be uplifted by these amazing recipes from Imam Zaynul Abedin’s (a.s.) famous dua Makarim al Akhlaq (Du`a # 20 in Sahifa ).

1. We are sdvised to pray for things that matter: strong faith (yaqeen), pure intention, best deeds:

“ O’Allah, bless Muhammad and his Household. Cause my faith to reach the most perfect faith, make my certainty the most excellent certainty, and take my intention to the best of intentions and my works to the best of works!”

2. Do not nullify your rewards through self-conceit:

“ O’Allah, make me worship Thee and corrupt not my worship with self-admiration! Let good flow out from my hands upon the people and efface it not by my making them feel obliged! Give me the highest moral traits and preserve me from vainglory!”

3. Long life at all costs? Better to die than serve shaitan:

“ O’Allah, let me live as long as my life is a free gift in obeying Thee, but if my life should become a pasture for Satan, seize me to Thyself before Thy hatred overtakes me or Thy wrath against me becomes firm!”

4. Pray for adornments and ornaments of a different kind:

“ O’Allah, adorn me with the adornment of the righteous, and clothe me in the ornaments of the god-fearing, through:

o spreading justice, restraining rage,

o quenching the flame of hate, bringing together the people of separation,

o correcting discord, spreading about good behaviour,

o covering faults, mildness of temper, lowering the wing,

o beauty of conduct, gravity of bearing,

o agreeableness in comportment, precedence in reaching excellence,

o preferring bounteousness, refraining from condemnation,

o bestowing bounty on the undeserving,

o speaking the truth, though it be painful!”

o making little of the good in my words and deeds, though it be much,

o and making much of the evil in my words and deeds,though it be little!

5. Pray for good in both worlds:

“ O’Allah, incite me to remember Thee in times of heedlessness, employ me in Thy obedience in days of disregard, open a smooth road for me to Thy love, and complete for me thereby the good of this world and the next!”

Has the time not come to come together and raise our hands in prayer to be brought out of darkness into light? 

Our Ultimate Goal

To pass the tests in the short life of this world and return to our Lord, having earned the lofty status of a Believer and a true Servant of Allah swt. And live happily ever after in gardens of perpetuity - in a blissful state, and above all, feeling His Closeness and Love. This is the crux. The ultimate goal of our Journey is ALLAH swt. - the End to which we aspire .... everything else is a means to this End.
Allah swt
Links to hundreds of lectures and short clips

Knowledge & Wisdom

Good character, good deeds and correct beliefs are at the very core of Islamic teachings. A recurrent advice in the Holy Quran is: Believe and do good; establish prayers and pay the poor tax

Gems from Quran 

Accepted as the Best Leader of all Times considering smallness of means ( Born / Preached in Mecca among ignorant poor tribes), Greatness of Purpose (Salvation of Entire Humanity ! ) and Results Achieved (Within 1400 years, there would be > 2 billion Muslims !) ….. more

The Prophet (s) said, “Ali (a) is with the Qur’an, and the Qur’an is with Ali.” Al-Bukhari, 5/19; Muslim, 2/360; Al-Tirmidhi, 5/304; Mustadrak Al-Sahihain of Al-Hakim Al-Nisabori, 3/109; Ibn Majah, 1/28; Musnad Ahmad, 3/328.

The Prophet (s) said, “Ali (a) and his shia are the successful ones.” Ibn Al-Maghazeli, 47; Mizan Al-^Itidal, 2/313.

From Ghadir Sermon : “……. O people! This is the last stand I make in such a situation; so, listen and obey, and submit to the Command of Allah, your Lord, for Allah, the Exalted and the Sublime One, is your Master and Lord, then next to Him is His Messenger and Prophet who is now addressing you, then after me ‘Ali is your Master and Imam according to the Command of Allah, your Lord, then the lmams from among my progeny, his offspring, till the Day you meet Allah and His Messenger…. click here for full Khutba

Wisdom from Imam Ali a.s.

Wisdom from Sayyeda-Tun-Nisa-el-Alameen (Leader of all women of the Universe) click here

Karbala – a Timeless Event : click here

Scientific gems from Imam Jaafar Sadiq (as): click here


Selection of some of the best books, articles, video lectures and more. Full of knowledge and wisdom from past and current scholars. Great resources for self-improvement…. nourishing the soul, changing lives: click here

Pearls for Peace Tranquility

Our troubled world presents a pitiful picture. Increasingly engulfed in misery and suffering, wars and terror, it reveals meaningless lives of vanities, devoid of morals and ethics, consumed by hectic materialistic pursuits, surrounded by injustice, inequalities and oppression. In the midst of this madness, however, one also finds an ocean full of the most beautiful pearls. Dive in and be transported to islands of inner peace and tranquility.

Cannot swim? Select a quiet corner/room in your home, designate it as the prayer place/sanctuary and spend just 5% to 10% of your time there each day in the company of  Allah swt and Ahlulbayt a.s. Make friends with the Glorious Quran and the two most magnificent books after that: Nahjul Balagha and Sahifa e Sajjadiyyah. And let them add value and enrich the entire day every day of your lives in a way that will amaze you to no end ……  more

JMAS response on the press release issued by MHA on 9th January 2025

Dear JMAS members,
Assalam Alaikum wr wb,

Please refer to the below link for the press release issued by the Ministry of Home Affairs today about three Muslims detained for self-radicalisation, including one Singaporean Shia who has been living abroad for many years: https://www.channelnewsasia.co

We would like to share our views as follows.

The Shia community in Singapore has had no cases of radicalisation before. The community has been living peacefully and collaboratively with others to promote interfaith and intrafaith harmony in Singapore. For this very purpose, JMAS has been actively involved in arranging interfaith and intrafaith programmes in AECC. With this, we reaffirm our unwavering commitment and allegiance to Singapore and its multi-racial and multi-religious society, and its laws.

We also believe in rehabilitation and the importance of understanding the root causes of such incidents to prevent their recurrence. Unequivocally, this recent case is not reflective of Shia teachings, and as such, it highlights the importance of seeking religious knowledge from credible sources. In this, JMAS is a law abiding organization and it will continue to engage with the community members to reinforce the importance of peaceful coexistence and responsible citizenship.

JMAS would like to express our deep appreciation for the efforts of our security agencies for their vigilance and timely action to prevent any untoward incidences. JMAS is supportive of the efforts of the government to maintain peace, security, and harmony within our nation.

We urge all members of our community and the wider Singaporean society to remain united and vigilant against any attempts to sow discord and prejudice in our country.

Jaafari Muslim Association Singapore (JMAS)